Prime Mover was born out of the ashes of the band Mona Gum (John, Damian Shelton, Chris Deqeant, Jimmy and Bernard). The band broke up in December of 1995. That January John called Bernard up and wanted to record a CD. At first Bernard wanted and thought that John was going to record a solo CD but he really wanted to put a new band together. Chris Dequeant (drums) was deployed to Bosnia so they decieded to use a drum machine and record at Bernard's place. The initial tracks were recorded on Bernard's Tascam Porta One four track. Then in June of 1996 John bought the Tascam 488 cassette eight track recorder. They had one month to record all the songs again due to the fact that John was going to be deployed to Bosnia that July. During the week Bernard would record all the instruments (with Damian) and John would record his guitar and vocals on the week-end. In one month the Prime Mover CD "Before We Got Lost" was recorded (mixed at Volker studios in Bamberg). John was deployed that July and Bernard slept the months of August and September away. The plan was to regoup in January of 1997 with Chris(drums), John (vocals/guitar),Damian (guitar) and Bernard (guitar). But things never turn out the way you want them to.
Chris returned to drum duties but Damian left to the States. They found a bass player, Dave Etherage and began rehersing the new material. That Line-up only lasted two months. Chris and dave quit leaving Bernard and John again to search for a bassest and drummer. In May of 1997 Prime Mover added Larry Young on bass. Well, actually stole him from another band. Larry played in a band with Bernard back in 95 and recorded a demo with NO SCHOOL. They also got Norman from FADE OUTASITE to fill in on drums and the writing process continued. TO BE CONTINUED